What can you do about your feet yourself?

Tips and tricks basic

  1. Wash your feet daily, preferably without soap.
  2. Dry your feet thoroughly, including between the toes.
  3. Use a foot cream or lotion to keep the skin supple and in condition, but be careful not to spread the cream/lotion between your toes.
  4. Cut your toenails straight and not too short. Do not cut corners to prevent ingrowns.

If you comply with the above with regularity, then you already prevent a lot!

Tips and tricks on average

Do you have more time or do your feet simply need more attention? Then you can do the following items additionally.

  1. Keep your feet flexible, by doing foot exercises daily.
  2. Buy well-fitting (leather) shoes with enough room for the toes.
  3. Always have your feet measured and wear your own stockings/socks when trying on shoes.
  4. Wear stockings/socks without seams and avoid pinching the stockings/socks.

It seems like a lot, but remember this, because you are worth it!

Tips and tricks advanced

Were the basic and average tips not enough? Here are our latest tips and tricks!

  1. Choose socks made of natural, absorbent material. Think cotton or wool.
  2. Put on a pair of clean socks every day.
  3. Change shoes regularly.
  4. Have calluses, corns, cracks and nail problems treated by a pedicure or medical pedicure affiliated with ProVoet.

You are doing a great job!

Source: www.provoet.nl